We have had a great first week with sweet Morgan. People always say third babies are low-key, and that has been the case so far. She eats, poops, and sleeps. She stays awake after a feed two or three times a day, and sleeps the rest of the time. I am NOT used to this, because Kate and Blake had reflux from such an early age, and were pretty fussy. I do realize that babies change every day, so I am not getting too used to anything yet. I think I am taking more time to enjoy the little things since this could be (probably is) our last baby. I always said I wanted four, but pregnancy has done me in! I think it is pretty sad that I feel better and have more energy AFTER having her- that just shows all my complaining was legitimate!
The big kids have handled Morgan very well, it helps to have each other as playmates. Kate is still REALLY into Morgan, and sometimes a little too hands on. Blake is sweet to her, but holds her hand a little too hard and runs past her a little too fast. There has been some hyper-sensitivity too, they get really upset when they are punished or corrected, which they should be very used to by now. And they don't really like for us to be out of their sight. All of these things should be better soon, at least it isn't worse! I will take some extra snuggle time with the bigger ones, which seem HUGE by the way, compared to my little peanut.
We went to the doctor on Tuesday for Morgan's one week and a really late 4 year checkup for Kate. Brandon was able to be off and go with me, and I don't know how I would have done it without him! Kate got a finger stick and two shots, so we had our share of drama. Morgan got a heel stick, but recovered quickly. When Kate cried, I was trying to entertain Blake so he wasn't watching, and he burst into tears because Kate was sad. So my hormones couldn't handle it, and I teared up at his tender heart. We were a sight! The good news is that Morgan was above her birth weight. When we left the hospital, she was down to 6 lbs 6 oz, and at one week she was up to 6 lbs 14 oz, so I got the go ahead to let her sleep more at night. I was having to wake her up after 4 or 5 hours the first few nights, but now she is back to around 3 to 4 hours between feeds at night. Another thing I was not used to from the other two. They were 2-3 hour night babies, so I will take this! I had planned on putting her in her crib, but I chickened out (or got lazy) and put her in the Moses basket next to my bed, and it seems to be working pretty well. She doesn't really cry when she wakes up, she just makes grunting noises, so I worried I wouldn't hear her.
It is an adventure, but we are making it! And enjoying this sweet new baby. I forgot how much I love a newborn curled up on my shoulder, no wonder I have 3 babies in 4 years! I am going to have to volunteer at a nursery or something after this!
By the way, check
this link back to a blog post when Blake was a baby to see how similar they look.