Friday, February 27, 2009

Boot Camp Success

No, I have not lost 20 pounds (though I should) at weight loss boot camp... but Blake is making progress at sleep boot camp! This week, Brandon and I have been sleeping on our sectional sofa in the den while Blake slept in our room with the door shut so he could cry it out. It is amazing what a shut door and some earplugs can do! Please don't think I am a horrible mom for letting him cry- I was being a much worse mom when I was moody and exhausted.
The first night, he cried off and on all night long. I finally fed him at 4 because he is so used to eating every 3 to 4 hours, and I didn't want him to go too far. Most of the night, he would put himself back to sleep eventually, so I knew he wasn't hungry. He just wanted to be held!
The second night he cried once around 12:45, but I told myself I would go get him if he was still crying at 1. He stopped crying at 12:56! I fed him again around 4, then he slept til 8:30 the next morning.
The third night, he went to bed at 8 and did not wake up until 4:15.
Last night, we put him to bed a little later than usual, but he went down at 10 and slept until 5:15 this morning and then went back down until 8:30!
It is awful to hear them cry, but it works! Poor Blake is even a little hoarse. It physically hurts to hear them cry, but it is so rewarding to have them on a good sleep schedule that makes everyone happier. They just have to learn to soothe themselves back to sleep. Now we just have to figure out what to do about getting back into our bed. I think we can put him down early and then creep into bed later or we may put his cradle in the den. I just am praying that he can keep this new habit up... it makes such a difference in all of our days! I love that he is so much happier after he sleeps well too. I think it is amazing that the earlier babies go to bed, the better they sleep. Anyway, I just wanted to update you on his progress and let you know that I may just keep my sanity afterall.


Mary Beth said...

OK, so how long would you let him cry at a time? was 15 minutes the most amount of time? I let Caroline cry for the first time today. She was supposed to go down for a nap and I knew she was tired, but she just would NOT fall asleep. I hadn't had a shower yet and really wanted one, but it kept being put off by her crying. So! I took a shower while she screamed (and I didn't rush in the shower either). When I got out she was so tired from crying, I rocked her to sleep in no time. SO! I'm tempted to do this at night like you've done, but I keep avoiding the torture for us all... but is not sleeping worse torture? Probably :-) I'm impressed at your resolve!

Emily said...

I'm so glad that you all are getting more rest. I'm a firm believer in letting them cry it out. It's so hard to do b/c as a mom, you do feel guilty letting them cry but they have to learn to put themselves to sleep. Letting them cry it out has helped everyone I know that has had a hard time getting their child to sleep at night. You are smart to do it early b/c it's harder to teach an older child how to self-soothe. Don't think you are a bad mom - you are a better mom for doing it and both you and Blake are benefiting.

Brittny said...

Good for you!!!!! I'm a firm believer in the whole crying it out thing. I'm like you, I was a worse mother when I was exhausted and making them cry it out was the only thing that gave me my sanity back. Hang in there! You'll probably have to do it again down the road, both of my kids went through crazy sleep phases. It gets easier!

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