Blake has been getting his incisor teeth- the pointy canine teeth- and has been a little whiny. One morning, he was up so early that he was exhausted by 9, and this is what I found around 10 am... a sleeping Blake with the world moving all around him. I guess he takes after his daddy in

We watched John Burke the other morning, and he is one easy/happy baby! Kate was a big helper, and I had to beg her to let me hold him. If I didn't have to carry it, Kate took care of it, and it was as easy as this one, I may think I could handle another one now! I think we will wait.
Blake is getting more independent these days too. He was a little bit of a plumber this day. He wants to feed himself- which is why he is only wearing a diaper- and has started pitching some nice fits. He is doing well with time out. I set him in his room and tell him that we do not pitch fits and when he is done he can say he is sorry. I really was doing it for consistency reasons, but he actually does calm down and walk into the room I am in and says, "Soddy." Funny little guy!