We have been going in a million directions! We have been out of town for a week, and just got back last night. Brandon took his Step 3 boards last week, but we had to go to Dothan to take them, so we made a vacation out of it and stayed with his Grandmother and Grandaddy in Geneva. We played with Brandon's cousin and her daughter, Rylie. We forgot our camera, so these are pictures from our last trip there. These are two peas in a pod! Blake played too, but he found a friend in Grandaddy! He would go sit in his lap and read the same book over and over again.

After our trip to Geneva, we went to Greenville to see Brandon's youngest brother play his first football game of his senior year. It was a little humid, and the kids were WILD, so the kids and I left at half-time. We have eaten well, rested, and spent time with family, so now we are ready to wind down and get back into the real world.
The kids start Mothers' Day Out next week, and Brandon is starting a busy rotation, so here we go!