Sadly, these are the best pictures I got of the kids' first day of Mother's Day Out. I would have tried to take them before school, but we were already running late, and they were exhausted after school. So, this is after their nap and they were a little more smiley for the camera. Kate went to "school" last year, but this was Blake's first day, and he did great! His entire class (except his buddy York) was crying and screaming, and there were a few crying moms outside the room... what a welcoming sight! His teacher was blowing bubbles as he walked in, so he was fine. They did say that he got a little grumpy and took a 15 minute power nap, and he was good to go play some more.

(Kate had her pants on backwards and you can see the dirt she collected on her bottom!)
Kate's teachers said she was a trooper and that she just walked right in like it was nothing new. Thank God, because she has been super clingy the past few weeks. I think it is a good situation for all! Kids happy=mom happy. Mom happy=Dad happy!