I am normally a COLD natured person, but this pregnancy and heat has almost sent me over the edge, and I am afraid it will send Morgan over the edge too. I have seen some friends with stroller fans, and then I found this little stroller/carseat fan with foam blades in case any little fingers get near it. Also found on Amazon!
I know we will be outside a good bit, so I got a carseat net so the mosquitoes cannot get her. I think I would cry if she got the huge welps that my other two get even when they are covered in bug spray. I got a super cheap one at Babies R Us.

I know we will be outside a good bit, so I got a carseat net so the mosquitoes cannot get her. I think I would cry if she got the huge welps that my other two get even when they are covered in bug spray. I got a super cheap one at Babies R Us.

I know most people have a pack n play by their third baby... but mine was borrowed and mysteriously returned broken a few years ago, and my kids were big enough not to really NEED one. I found this one on Target.com for way cheap, and I love how plain it is.

And finally, the diaper bag. I fell in love with this green diaper bag with the pink lined straps. I have a friend whose mom works for Pottery Barn and could get me a discount on it, so I went ahead and treated myself. :) I think diaper bags are something you have to get new with each child, because they get worn out, spilled on, etc., so this is the one I chose for Morgan.
I am getting excited, we will meet her two weeks from tomorrow at the LATEST! That is July 12th, the day after my birthday, and I couldn't imagine a better birthday present. I go back to the OB this Wednesday to see if I have made any progress, and back to the orthopedic next week to check on my toe. I was not feeling too much pain last week, so I let myself take off the boot for a little bit, and even drive myself around, but then I think I overdid it. Yesterday and today I have been hurting pretty badly, so Brandon put me on house arrest. I am not the best patient, I get too restless, and I have these two other tiny people who don't want to prop their feet up and rest. I am enjoying a reason to rest when I do rest, but I also feel like Morgan is going to get a little too comfortable in there if I am not active at all- and I wouldn't mind if she came a little sooner than expected. I will get some pictures of her nursery and a few other things I have done for her, and show you guys a little more of what we have done to prepare for sweet Morgan.