Kate's new name for Morgan is Mor-guinea-pig. Didn't love that at first, but it is kind of catching on for the kids at least. So now we have Katebug, Bubby, and Morguinea Pig... awesome! A funny story about Blake- he calls himself Bubby all the time and will correct you if you don't. He was in the church nursery the other day and came home with a family tree craft with the names "Mom, Dad, Kate, Bobby and Morgan." I laughed outloud because the sweet lady thought his name was really Bobby. Either that, or he corrected her when she said Blake. What a mess!

I am posting this picture mainly for myself... Morgan seems so tiny, and is very light, but she has some thighs! Her leg chub makes me laugh because you just don't expect to see this when you see her with her clothes on. We go to her 4 month appointment next week, so I will keep you posted on her growth progress.