I have to say that this Thanksgiving, I was MOST thankful for family. Especially my sweet Nanny! She joined us at my parents' house this year, and it was so sweet to have her there. She isn't quite the same Nanny as I grew up with, since she had a stroke/brain injury the beginning of 2011, but she still has moments where she surprises us all with her comments and random memories. She remembered Brandon's name without prompting, but then she told me that Morgan has "pretty blue ears." A year ago today, her husband, Dink, went to his forever home with Jesus, and I miss him just as much as I did this time last year. Losing him was hard, but it also makes us thankful for the family we do have here! I had to post a picture of my girls with Nanny!

Kate has loved her "big girl bike" and rode all around her GiGi and PopPop's driveway. All of the sudden, I look at her and realize just how big she is getting!

Not the greatest picture of the kids, but I wanted a family picture with Nanny.

A little better, with my parents.

This year, Brandon had to work on Thanksgiving morning, and the morning after, so it limited our traveling. So, we had his parents drive here to celebrate with us! The kids loved having their 4 grandparents all in the same place. Nothing like a little extra attention!
Now that I have posted about Thanksgiving, Christmas is coming around the corner! I guess I will get to that after the New Year!