We are officially pacifier free at our house! Blake hasn't taken one since he was about 6 months old, but Kate has not wanted it out of her sight her whole life. She could only have it for bedtime, but she would have loved to have had it in 24/7.
We tried to give it up a while back, but the night we took it away from Kate, she woke up with the stomach bug, and then she was afraid of bedtime for a while... which started the worst behavior I have ever seen at night. So, I talked to my pediatrician, and she said that she probably associated taking away the pacifier with waking up sick, and she started throwing fits, which just became a bedtime habit. Then, we got the baby gate to keep her in her room, and she just had to cry for a few nights, but it was all better.
Last week, my grandmother, Nanny, fell and broke her elbow, and I was visiting her in the hospital after surgery around 7:30 or 8 at night, so Brandon was putting the kids in bed. I came home and Brandon had somehow talked Kate into giving her pacifier to the "paci fairy" to give to babies who need it. I thought it was a hoax and that I would hear her screaming all night, but she did it! We have been free from it for over a week now (I waited a week before mentioning it just to be sure). I was not too thrilled to take it away last week because the kids stayed with Papa G and JoJo this weekend, but the kids did fine.
I was at one of my best friend's weddings in Mississippi this weekend, and it was so fun. I am hoping my friend (hint, hint Melanie) will email me pictures so I can show you the fun. Brandon had to work, so I went alone, and I had my own king size bed from Thursday to Sunday... Heaven! I could shower, get dressed, fix my hair and makeup all by myself. I laughed on Saturday morning as I realized that normally, I get out an outfit, lay it on my bed, and then the kids run off with it and play dressup until I need to put it on. I then pick out shoes, but Kate just throws them on and tries to walk around in them, and then she wants to know about every little bit of makeup I use. She is a girl, through and through! Hope to show you pictures soon!