I have been MIA for a few reasons. I was gone from my "job" of sewing for a little bit while I finished this t-shirt quilt for Brandon. He has only been asking for it for 4 years or so. Sadly, he had already chosen the shirts and had them set aside in a box, just waiting for me... well I told him on our 7th anniversary that his present was for me to stop all other work until I finished the quilt. I followed through! I love how it turned out too! We chose 20 shirts that meant something to us, that we just liked the look of, or that we had duplicates of, and then I planned out just how big I wanted the quilt. I set up my sewing machine on the coffee table for a few nights, and Brandon and I caught up on some shows while I finished the quilt. It will be fun to have our memories displayed on a blanket, and fun to tell the kids about. They have already hogged the blanket several times because I used a super soft fleece for the backing.

We have been MIA from the actual world since the weekend because Blake has had a crazy fever virus since Saturday night. He woke up a few times crying and begging for juice, so I knew he wasn't feeling great. Sunday morning he was burning up and he has been the same way since then. Yesterday he broke out in a rash all over his body, so I freaked out! I called Brandon panicking, but that is the problem with being married to a resident who hears from panicky moms ALL DAY LONG! He said, "just keep giving him Motrin and we will just watch him." I did, and this morning his fever is gone. It is just scary to sit and
watch your child when they are that pitiful. He has basically watched a million movies, Toy Story 3 75 times, and slept all day on the couch. Luckily, he has still slept at night too, so I am hoping we are on the upswing, and no one else has been sick!

In more exciting, happy news... We have a new niece! We were in Greenville for the weekend, and I woke up early to a text from Kelly saying she
thought she was having contractions and I immediately started getting things ready to go home. Her husband, Heath, doesn't handle anything invasive very well, so I have "assisted" in her other 2 deliveries, so I knew we needed to make it to Birmingham in time for me to be there (or Kelly was going to be all alone with Heath passed out in the chair next to her). I told her to go to the hospital and make sure it was
time before we headed North. We were in the car and headed back home in no time. I made it in time for the delivery, and Brandon was able to take the older two back for naps. Morgan got to hang out with family in the waiting room since she still refuses any bottles- we don't get very far apart. :)
This is Morgan loving on sweet baby Collins (which is my grandmother's maiden name). Collins looks like she is crying, but I am pretty sure it was a yawn. Morgan seems so big to me when she is next to her tiny new cousin, but she is still little too!

Kate was ECSTATIC! She was dying to see KK and her new baby. She was a little sad not to be at the hospital, but I wasn't sure how long it would take, etc. So, the next day we took her to see Collins, and she wanted to hold her the whole time. She got really calm and quiet when she held her, it was funny to see her take her job so seriously! She said, "I need her paci." But I wouldn't give it to her since the baby was sound asleep, and she said she needed it "just in case." She is a mess!

Blake loves babies too! He is still not the most careful, so we let him hold her (with assistance) for just a minute. He thought she was pretty cute. And don't worry, this picture was several days before the mystery fever hit!