A year ago today! This is on our way out the door to the hospital. Check out that belly! I was induced because I was already 3 cm dilated, and my heart would randomly start beating 120-140 times a minute, which was making me exhausted/scared/anxious, etc. So, we decided that we would go ahead and induce to make things run pretty smoothly.
After a few hours of real labor, I was almost 6 cm, so I decided if I was going to get an epidural, I should go ahead and get one... Once the epidural was in, they thought I would move slowly, so my nurse and her orientee went to eat lunch and left another girl in the room with me. I told her that I hadn't been able to feel anything, but now I felt a lot of pressure and I could actually feel when I had a contraction... so she checked me out and Kate had worked her way down there and was trying to come on out. So, they quickly got my nurses and Brandon called Dr. Adcock (he is our doctor, but also a great friend of ours from our CMMA Bible study) and told him we were ready. I pushed 4 or 5 times and here she was! Kate joined us at 1:02 in the afternoon- and changed us forever! I can only pray that the next baby's entrance will be so pleasant. I would have to say that the delivery was the best day of pregnancy for me- I thought I would never get pregnant again... we see how that worked out! Thank God that He has given me a smooth pregnancy this time around- does that mean the delivery will be rough?
Her first trip to the beach at 2 1/2 weeks old... at least we enjoyed getting away!
Another beach trip at 3 months... chubby girl! I remember thinking that she was so active then, I had no idea just how active she would be a few months later!
At 5-6 months, she already had so much personality!
At 9-10 months, as sweet as ever. She was all over the place crawling and climbing.
This was 2 weeks ago at the pool. If I splashed my legs in the water, Kate would splash hers too! She is my little copycat now. And truly a waterbaby... she squeals and splashes her hands with the biggest smile on her face. She kicks her feet in the water, but I doubt she knows that is actually how you swim!
And this was her just the other day, just standing all the time, playing with everything, and selectively walking. She decides when and where she wants to walk.
This year has been one of the best years of my life- what a whirlwind! I cannot believe what all I have learned and how much Kate has changed us now that we are parents. She truly is a blessing, and I am so thankful for my sweet TODDLER! I know that God will teach us even more with another child, and I am so thankful that He lets us love each child so much, so I can't wait to make memories with our next baby!