Two beautiful, healthy kids!

Blake enjoying some time on the floor looking around. He is really starting to fill out and his hair is looking lighter every day! We are still in Greenville, so I am posting pictures of the kids since I feel like they change every day!

Kate has used the phone a few times to call GiGi and Pop (my parents). She will be playing and randomly says their names, so we have called them to let them know we are thinking of them.

My clean kids in their matching PJ's! I know it is cheesy, but I only have so long to be cheesy, right? Kate was running and spinning around and busted her lip on the coffee table today, so I love that she is actually smiling in this picture.

I know it is blurry, but this is when I asked Kate to smile and show me her teeth... and she showed me every tooth in her mouth! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone- we are truly blessed to have such sweet friends and wonderful families!