Laura Beth "tagged" me to write a list of 100 things about myself, so here goes...
1. I was born on July 11, 1982 as Lindsey Renee Starr
2. I have a sister, Kelly, that is 14 months older than me.
3. I have a brother, Derek, that is 18 months younger than me.
4. I grew up in Birmingham, Alabama and I get sad when people say they don't like Birmingham.
5. I hate video games. Kelly and Derek used to play them so much that I grew to hate them quickly.
6. I only like a few card games- but it depends on who I am playing with. I can't play with any of my family because they are annoying when they "talk smack."
7. I am very close to my grandparents, Nanny and Dink, they are like second parents to me!
8. I went to Brookwood Forest Elementary, then Mountain Brook Junior High for 7th grade, but I left after that year.
9. I went to Briarwood Christian School from 8th grade through graduation and I loved it.
10. I went to Auburn University in 2000- and I could not have loved it more.
11. I joined Alpha Delta Pi sorority even though I didn't want to be in the same one as Kelly. I just had to figure out for myself that they wouldn't just like me because I was her sister.
12. I pretty much lost interest in everything I had in common with most of my high school friends, which was the best thing to ever happen to me, and I made all new friends!
13. I noticed a guy staring at me across the lecture hall in Microbiology class, and he is now my husband.
14. I only went to class one or two of the three days that class was offered, and now I know that he used to wait for me to walk in- he recognized me by my sorority t-shirts. :)
15. He told my friend Elizabeth about the girl in his class and she asked if I wanted to go out with him, and I said "No, is he a stalker?"
16. Once I went out with Brandon, we were pretty much inseperable.
17. I laugh at the fact that I can remember hearing Enrique Iglesias, "You can't escape my love" playing in Brandon's Yukon. :)
18. I had several friends tell me not to go out with Brandon because he was a player- thank God I didn't care what they said! And thank God he changed his ways!
19. We broke up for a few days Senior year because Brandon was taking the MCAT and applying to med schools and he always gets stressed when he has too much pressure on him, and I was the easiest string to cut... (I am really just teasing him here, but he did break up with me because of stress)
20. We lived in the ghetto in Tuscaloosa when we first got married, and I wouldn't leave the apartment unless I HAD to!
21. We had a precious baby girl last May, Kathryn Phyllis Slagley (Kate), and we love her more than we ever thought we could!
22. I am a nurse, but I can really only handle working with babies and children. I don't know why, but my compassion doubles/triples when it comes to kids who can't do anything for themselves.
23. When I had Kate, I went from full-time to flexi which is just a day every now and then.
24. I never knew I would love being home with a child, but I guess when you love the child, you love the job!
25. I still have to pray daily that God will show me purpose in our everyday activities such as diapering, reading silly books about sheep going out to eat, and trying to clean my house.
26. I love to be in bed- I don't have to be sleeping, I just like being under the warm covers.
27. I used to need noise to go to sleep until I got married to a man that needs silence to sleep.
28. I can watch just about any movie, even if it is not very good, it will still entertain me.
29. I love the beach! I can be doing chores there and even taking care of Kate inside, but it is still wonderful just to be at the beach.
30. I used to wear SPF 0 tanning oil before I met Brandon, and he makes me wear at least SPF 10 now.
31. I could live off of fresh fruit- especially strawberries.
32. I will probably never get used to Brandon being on call, I don't like being alone at night.
33. I still tear up every now and then when Kate smiles or giggles- I just can't believe that she is mine and that she loves me so much!
34. I love strawberry limeade from Sonic.
35. I love McDonalds french fries.
36. I love Julia Roberts and Kate Hudson movies.
37. I hate the Lord of the Rings series.
38. I hate Star Wars too.
39. I like to read Karen Kingsbury books, when I have time.
40. I love to stalk blogs and see what everyone else is doing. Not in a creepy way, but it makes me feel like I am talking to them.
41. When I was pregnant with Kate, I might have eaten Macaroni and Cheese every day.
42. I sometimes laugh when people get hurt. I am not sure why, but it makes me chuckle- mean, I know.
43. I became a Christian when I was a child, but it became a personal relationship with Jesus Christ when I was a teenager.
44. I cannot imagine where I would be in my life if I had not become a Christian and if I had not been around so many people that have influenced me in that way.
45. I love the Bible studies we do through CMMA (Christian Medical Ministry of Alabama).
46. Sometimes I look at my life and I cannot believe that it is mine. For some reason, I did not imagine that I would be a stay at home mom at this age, or that I would enjoy it.
47. I cannot understand how kids can fight sleep, when sleep is all I want at bedtime!
48. I LOVE Mexican restaurant cheese dip!
49. My engagement ring is the ring that Brandon's mother had. (She passed away before I met him.)
50. I love the mother-in-law that I have more than anything, but I still cry at the thought that I never got a chance to meet the one person that I have always wanted to meet.
51. My birthday is July 11, and so was Brandon's mom's birthday.
52. We named Kate after Brandon's grandmother, Kathryn, and his mother, Phyllis.
53. I hate to iron... so I don't.
54. I love food the first time around, but the only reason I get leftovers is because I know Brandon will eat them.
55. I like to eat burned cheese toast.
56. Brandon got our dog, Bailey, right after we started dating. She is still around, just with slightly less attention than before.
57. I don't like when people are fake, I would rather tell you the truth and you not like me than you liking me because I can put on a show.
58. I like it when people can own up to their mistakes, and actually apologize.
59. I sometimes put a wall up when I am mad at Brandon, which drives him insane.
60. I get my feelings hurt easier then people realize.
61. I drank Gatorade like it was going out of style when I was pregnant with Kate.
62. Weird... I craved cold beer the whole time I was pregnant with Kate.
63. I am very glad I don't have to dress up for work every day in a suit and heels.
64. I love the TV show, The Office- it makes me laugh so hard.
65. I like to compare people I know to that show. For example, "She is acting so Dwight-like."
66. I don't like to drink water.
67. I like to go to Auburn games, but I really don't pay attention to the game. I just like tailgating and seeing everybody.
68. I am not able to mask my emotions very well. My facial expressions show everything.
69. I would rather ignore/not speak to someone than speak to them and be fake.
70. I love grocery shopping, I could spend hours just walking around.
71. I have to have a grocery budget or I would come home with all kinds of "surprises"
72. I am really sad that it costs so much to eat healthy food, I love fruits and vegetables.
73. I do not have to have meat at meals, I could do all veggies all the time if Brandon wouldn't mind.
74. I can eat a tomato like an apple.
75. I think that if Brandon ever did anything that hurt me, his family would probably stand behind me- I love them!
76. Brandon's parents raised him so well that I don't think he would ever do anything to hurt me, so I don't think I have to worry about that.
77. I am really anal-retentive about noise once Kate is asleep. There is no reason to wake her up if you don't have to.
78. I think high school relationships (for the most part) are a waste of time and emotions! You do learn a lot, but it is too much drama!
79. I have never smoked a cigarette, and I do not plan to.
80. I don't really understand why someone would want to smoke if you know the damage it will likely cause.
81. I don't like to take medicine unless it is a last resort.
82. Sometimes I am just quiet because I don't have much to say, not because I am uncomfortable.
83. I think I am pretty easy to live with. I have had one bad living situation, but I can honestly say that I don't think that was because of my habits.
84. I know that certain things I do get on Brandon's nerves, but luckily he loves me enough to get over them.
85. I think I am lucky because I do not dislike any of Brandon's family (unusual for an in-law situation).
86. I love Bruster's ice cream- especially S'Mores flavor in a waffle bowl.
87. When I got blood drawn the other day, I actually cried because it hurt so bad.
88. I still think I deserve a surprise when I handle that well. :)
89. The day I gave birth to Kate was one of the best days of my life, and I had a blast (yes, even the labor). I only waited 2-3 hours before getting my epidural and only pushed 30 minutes, so it was fun!
90. I had WAY WORSE days of pregnancy than the actual delivery. Who knew I would want to do it again so soon?!
91. Kate turned blue in the hospital and I had a minor breakdown when they told me they were going to take her away from me and possibly admit her to the NICU.
92. I love the fact that Brandon loves his little girl more than he ever thought he would. I think every guy wants a little boy, but he would love more girls too!
93. Brandon is really good at housework, and he doesn't mind doing it. This weekend, he did 6-8 loads of laundry because I wasn't feeling well.
94. I love candles! I love Votivo Red Currant candles, but they are ridiculously expensive and our last one burst into many pieces and leaked hot wax all over the place.
95. Most of the time, I don't even get coffee when I go to Starbucks.
96. After my senior year of high school, my friend ran over my foot sideways with his truck, and I broke my ankle. (It was really fun going through rush and starting freshman year at Auburn with a cast and crutches.)
97. I ran cross country and track in junior high school and high school.
98. I have a hole in my heart, called Atrial Septal Defect, but it rarely causes problems.
99. I like cheesy entertainment shows and magazines about celebrities, and Brandon HATES that!
100. I like to receive daisies or tulips instead of roses.
That is harder than I thought! Now, I tag Katie Finley, Katie Compton, and Robin Peterson to list their 100... I know you are busy too, but it is fun!